
RF Jammers

RF Jammers

RF Jammers RF Jammers can be used to jam cell phone calls for small to large commercial applications. Our MS-2 phone jammer has a power output of 4 watts, and compares better than other RF Jammers based on its performance. This mobile phone jammer will effectively block cellular telephone signals up to 20m.

Built for RF Jamming in the consumer and executive sectors, these types of RF Jammers target not only cellular mobile phones, but GSM listening devices and cellular transmitters hidden in conference rooms and office environments. With superior design, the MS-2 keeps one on one meetings private from cellular monitoring transmitters.

Our RF Jammers can broadcast the RF jamming signal on all known cellular standards. They operate by interfering with the uplink and downlink connection process between the cell phone phone user and the local cellular tower. When the MS-2 phone jammer is active, anyone with a cell phone in the effected radius will be unable to send or receive calls. They will not know their cell phones are being jammed.

Jamming Range: 15~20 M Radius, depending on location. The MS-2 is designed to operate within a limited area of operation. Recommendation is to use 1 unit for every 2 offices.

For more information on our RF Jammers, Contact Us. You may also read more about jamming cell phone calls in prisons, secure facilities, government offices, or military compounds by visiting

*All specifications are subject to change without notice. Photos are for illustration purposes only. Actual system may vary. NOTE:  IT IS ILLEGAL TO JAM ANY RADIO SIGNAL IN THE UNITED STATES.

** Please Note: This website is intended only as a proprietary notice and does not constitute an offer to sell any type of jamming technology. Legal Notice on Cell Phone Jammers:  All Cell Phone Jammers and Cellular Jammers, and their respective technologies including RF Jammers and Bomb Jamming devices, IED Jamming devices, RF Jamming devices, and RCIED Jamming devices in part or whole are strictly regulated by the US Department of State in accordance with the guidelines in the International Traffic in Arms (ITAR) per title 22, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Parts 120-130 . Therefore, if you are outside the United States of America, an export license must be obtained.  Any sales and any shipments are subject to license approval by US Department of State, and any domestic inquiries may be subject to approval by United States and or United Kingdom government agencies that regulate the use of RF Jamming technologies as well as the above mentioned technologies.